Virtual think & type-out-loud space for Literature Seminar: Illuminated Manuscripts

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

the lowdown on Alan Moore

Some entries on Wikipedia are better (and more reliable...) than others. This one on Alan Moore is definitely of the "better" camp.

Warren Ellis: The Old Bastard

Zachary mentioned Warren Ellis in another thread, which reminded me of an interesting column Ellis wrote a few years ago. It's called "The Old Bastard's Manifesto," and it attempts to define (however crudely) what Ellis sees developing in the comics industry at the turn of the 21st century. It's a short but wild read. Give it a spin.

And while you're at it, check out Ellis' main website, If you spend any amount of time here, you'll quickly realize Mr. Ellis has to crowbar in extra time for sleep; the man simply does not rest.

Who Watches The Watchmen?

Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' Watchmen has enjoyed a long run of critical acclaim from both in and outside the comics industry. Why? What--if anything--is compelling about this story, these characters, and the larger project? Furthermore: how does Watchmen work within the superhero comics mold, while at the same time breaking that mold?